

May 14, 2013

I woke up this morning and noticed my iPad was still in the bed with me, like I had fallen asleep last night while I was pinning or playing Diner Dash. It’s okay…that happens often. More often than I should probably admit! Of course once I saw the iPad already lying in bed, I couldn’t help but pick it up and check out my Pinterest. I know, I know…it’s a sickness;)

My favorite category to browse through is actually the humor category (What can I say? I love a good meme!). Every so often there’s a pin that slips into the humor category that doesn’t really fit…like this one below, that I saw this morning.


This pin couldn’t have been more perfect for me to see today. Comparing myself to others (photography peers, friends, other 25 year olds, Kim Kardashian, etc) is something I do EVERY SINGLE DAY. Lately, instead of feeling joy about my growing business, I feel like I need to be doing MORE because so and so is. Because “they” are doing something I’m not, or booking more, or shooting a wedding on the moon, or getting featured in the Encyclopedia. “Okay,” I think to myself, “Well my business is doing okay, but I DON’T HAVE A MOON WEDDING THIS YEAR”. Am I alone? I know you guys do it too. It can’t just be me, can it?  Am I comparing myself on comparison now?

I felt really compelled to share this with you guys in lieu of a “for photographers” post I had scheduled for this morning because I know this is something that everyone does. Not just photographers. And I have learned that comparison really is a thief. It sneaks into your mind when you’re just sitting there, minding your own business, and then takes the joy and positivity away and leaves you with an empty hole filled with anxiety and negativity. Comparison is one of those things we THINK will make us feel better when we start doing it (oh, I feel better about myself because I have blah blah that so and so doesn’t have) but it nearly always leads to negative feelings. At least, this has been my experience!

The next time I find myself anxious and wrapped up in self criticism and comparisons, I plan to think of this bright, happy picture and I hope that maybe you do too:)

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  1. Courtney says:

    I am absolutely horrible about doing this. I went to a food blogging retreat last year, and we discussed how Pinterest is like some other world that people don’t really live in. It gives us unrealistic expectations of reality, whether because of the pristine bedrooms or the perfectly photographed dinners. It’s hard not to compare, especially when your friends are those people who are shooting those moon weddings. It’s a daily struggle for me, but think of it this way. You may be that person that someone is comparing themselves to and wishing they could be as successful as you.

  2. Emilia Jane says:

    LOVE this pin. It is too true and a necessary daily reminder.

  3. Brea says:

    LOL @ “shooting a wedding on the moon or getting featured in the Encyclopedia.”

    We definitely all do this and it’s a good reminder to stop! It’s hard to not get stuck into the comparison game.

  4. molly says:

    oh girl. totally. we all do it and we are all so guilty of it. and honestly, i wish i knew the answer to how to stop it or how to get rid of it… for me, it’s just trying to center myself and stay prayerful and hopeful about my current situation and only compare myself to my past self. but, it ain’t easy!

  5. Kathy says:

    🙂 Sweet post. It’s definitely a hard part of being a photographer now because everyones work and successes are posted all over the internet. It’s hard not to look at it and compare. One of my favorite quotes on the subject is to remember you’re comparing your behind the scenes to their highlight reel! No one is going to post the bad pictures or say that they lost a wedding opportunity because the bride decided to let her family friend who has an ok camera shoot it for free! It’s difficult to remember but it’s true! You’re awesome and so is your work – never forget that! 😀

  6. Janice says:

    LOVE! Comparison sucks the joy out of the art.

  7. I WANT TO COME TO YOUR MOON WEDDING! When you get it…which you will. Because you’re awesome.

  8. Annamarie says:

    This is brilliant. I love you. And I will totally be your second shooter when you book that moon wedding 🙂

  9. Carly Fuller says:

    wow! This is exactly what I needed to see today! Comparing to others only steals your joy and stifles your own AMAZING creative vision

  10. Maria says:

    Jus remember kid, you are someone’s moon too! Instead of comparing yourself to others, think of them as inspiration. Most everyone has to work hard for their “good fortune.” Another good adage appropriate for the moon analogy: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars, and lady, you’re pretty stellar 😉

  11. Jen Jar says:

    Wow this picture couldn’t have come at a more perfect and appropriate time 🙂 I don’t need to say anything else because I’ve already said it to you <3

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