What I’ve Been Reading


August 23, 2012

Over the summer I managed to sneak in a few “fun” reads. Though I won’t read 50 Shades (too many reasons not to haha) I am a big fan of chick lit (basically the book equivalent of chick flicks) and I love spending an afternoon reading through one. Most recently I read Where We Belong by Emily Giffin, which stuck out because the main character, like me, is adopted.

Though there were parts of Where We Belong that were really cheesy and the story was mostly unrealistic (like any chick flick, right??) , I felt like she captured a lot of what it feels to be adopted. I cried a lot during one of the chapters…it was when the mother described what it was like to give her daughter away. Overall it was a fun, light read that nailed a lot of the bittersweet emotions that people who are adopted might feel.

I also read Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon which is a thought provoking read based on the idea that there are really no new ideas and even throughout history artists would “steal” ideas. Stealing ideas does not mean straight up copying people though. It means using your inspiration to create new things. Steal Like an Artist was a fun little book that I really enjoyed reading. I would definitely suggest  buying a physical copy though. It had lots of fun little doodles and illustrations that might be wasted on a kindle.

So…that’s what I’ve been reading. What have you been reading over the summer?


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  1. Jenna says:

    I recently read Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. It was awesome (did a book review on my blog). I’m now reading her other book Tiny Beautiful Things (from when she was the advice columnist Dear Sugar).

    I also read Poser, (also reviewed on my blog), which is a memoir using yoga poses.

    I’ve just barely dipped my toe into post-baby reading…nice to have kindle on my phone 🙂

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