Win the Day

For Business Owners, Tips

January 17, 2013

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I get so overwhelmed with my to do list. Really overwhelmed. I’ll be sitting on the couch after “office hours” are over trying to just hang out, but I can’t because the list is always in the back of my head. Writing things out helps, but then once I have the list on paper, I stress out because I don’t know where to start! Then procrastination sneaks up and I don’t get ANYTHING done. Then I’m stressed because I have so many things to do! I’m telling you guys, it’s a CYCLE.

The way to END the cycle is a simple idea called “winning the day”. I first heard Mary Marantz talking about this on The Big Next, which streamed live right before Christmas. Honestly, I may have heard of something like this before, but somehow the way she explained it made it seem so easy and smart. It’s as simple as this: every day take the 5,000 item to do list and break it down into a few things you can do that day to “win the day”.  If you do those things, you have “won”. If you win at least three out of five days of your week, you win the week. If you win three out of four weeks in a month, you win the month. Doesn’t that sound so much more manageable??

This concept is something that I feel can help ANYONE who feels too busy and/or overwhelmed. Whether you’re a bride, a photographer, or someone else who randomly stumbled across the blog, I think the idea of winning the day is such an incredibly simple tool to start using to regain some sense of control over your life! AND I’d like to challenge you guys to try this out for a week if you’re feeling overwhelmed 🙂

PS…it’s actually super appropriate to post this today, because I’m going to the DC stop of Justin & Mary’s What’s Next tour this afternoon! (Holla!! Who else will I see there??)


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  1. Kathy says:

    Yay! I love the winning the day concept! See you there! 🙂

  2. Ashley Link says:

    such a cool concept! I seriously miss out on all of the cool and inspiring talks because I have work. I might just have to play hooky next time. haha. have a blast!!! Can’t wait to see what you’ve learned from it! 🙂

  3. Katie Yuen says:

    Yay! Love it! Have so much fun!

  4. Oh this is so true. I do the same thing! Have a great time at the tour!

  5. Kat says:

    Timing. So funny-on my flight back to LA from my sister’s wedding (Becca Berlin) I decided to do this. I’ve been overwhelmed since quitting my job/giving birth-trying to get it all done. I set a schedule with a few things that MUST get done each day and force my brain to stop and rest after that. I’ve been so productive this week! Thanks for the post!

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