For Business Owners: Email Hacks

I have to start this post by saying that I am definitely not an expert on Gmail and its many plugins, BUT I am somewhat obsessed with trying to streamline my business and work load as much as I can. I’ll be completely honest with you guys…I didn’t start my business so I could work […]


The Pricing Series – Part Two

So you’ve got your pricing all set up and ready to go. You’re pretty much done, right? HAHA. Yeah, right. In the world of wedding photography (and other wedding vendor-y type gigs) your pricing is never going to be 100 percent set. Successful businesses will always be evolving and pricing will have to evolve with […]


For Business Owners: Promo Films 101

This post is all about Promo Films! We just did ours this year and I learned so many things from the experience that I really wanted to share! To be completely up front, I admit that I was a little on the fence about doing a promo film at all. I am often irrationally scared of […]


Using Airdrop for Instagram Sneaks

It always shocks me (and scares me a little bit, too!) how quickly technology and industry trends change. When I started my business Facebook was the main form of social media to use. These days Facebook is not really all that great for spreading the word about your business organically (though, there are still lots […]


For Photographers: Pricing Series Part 1

Coming up with pricing is probably one of the trickiest parts of being a small business owner. It’s also one of those things that doesn’t really seem to ever completely be solved and settled. You’re always going to be looking at your pricing and deciding whether or not you need to adjust things, or whether […]


For Business Owners: Why I Love my Showit Site

I decided to break up my “For Photographers” series into two different series. From now on, I’ll still blog photography specific tips and tutorials as “For Photographers” posts and the rest of the business knowledge I’ll share will be under the umbrella of “For Business Owners“. I realized that there are so many small business […]