My Six Year Self Employment Anniversary!

I’m sitting in my office this morning sipping on a celebratory cup of coffee…why am I celebrating? As of today,full time it’s been SIX years since I took the leap and left my full full-time job, to begin running my business as my sole gig. This was one of the defining moments of my twenties […]


A Thanksgiving Thank You

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged much here besides just sharing my awesome clients and their weddings and engagement sessions, but I couldn’t let Thanksgiving go by without saying a HUGE thank you to everyone who’s supported my business over the past year. It’s so crazy to me that I just completed my SEVENTH […]


Hello 30

Today is my 30th birthday and as excited as I am to celebrate and to start out on a new decade of my life, it’s also a little bit bittersweet saying goodbye to my 20s. My 20s were life changing years! They were the first ten years of my adult life and the first ten […]


2016 Film Favorites

I started last year wanting to shoot a roll of film every month. Looking back, it was a really ambitious goal for someone who lives in leggings and t-shirts 6 out of the 7 days in a week and rarely sees anywhere besides the gym, my home office, and the aisles of my local Target store. […]


What’s New

I never intended to take a break from blogging, but over the past couple of months, sadly my blogging has gone from 3-4 times a week (which was still down from the previous 5 day a week schedule I kept to for a long time!) to only when I had new work to share. It wasn’t […]


Patio Decor Inspiration

One of the most exciting things about the house I’m renting is the fact that it has a patio and a small backyard! I haven’t had any outdoor space for four years (and what I had before that wasn’t really anything all that great anyway…) so I’m really pumped to have somewhere outside to hang […]