Thankful Thursday #2

Okay…so it’s confession time on the blog today: I’ve had a REALLY rough few weeks or so. More nights than I’d really like to admit have ended with wine (and whine?) and tears. So, why am I stressed? I’M FREAKING SCARED. I’m about to head into the off season months for the first time as […]


What to look for when choosing a photographer

As a past bride, I saw lots of checklists of questions to ask potential photographers and to be honest, most of the questions they tell you to ask are not really all that relevant, which is probably because none of the people who write them are actually photographers! Since engagement season (the holidays) is upon […]


For Photographers – Working with second shooters

I am going to admit right up front that I don’t have much experience as a second shooter. I jumped right into shooting on my own without shooting with someone else first, and I have only been a second shooter three different times. So I have to admit that I’m not the best at it…It’s […]


For photographers – Posing tips!

I will start this post with a disclaimer…I’m NOWHERE near the best at posing. I actually struggled with it for a really long time and have only recently gotten much more comfortable with it. I’m still learning, but thought it would be fun to share what has helped me the most so far. Previsualize your […]


An embarrassing confession

I just noticed it last night….we were sitting around, looking through our personal photo albums for fun and reminiscing over how fast the past almost five years together have gone by. I closed the last album and went to look for 2011-now. A lot has happened since then…you’d think we’d have it all in an […]


Time flies

I looked at the calendar this morning to figure out how many days we have until we move next month (nothing serious, just another apartment on the other side of town), and I realized that I made it a month as a full time photographer without going completely broke, or bursting into flames. I had […]