What I Do During Off Season

One of the biggest things that people are surprised to learn about my job is that photography itself is actually a very small percentage of what I do! I actually consider myself a small business owner first and foremost, and a photographer second because if all of the things going on behind the scenes aren’t […]


Working out & Business

I kind of think it’s hilarious that I’m even writing this post. Me, of all people! I was basically allergic to exercise for my entire life up until a couple years ago. I’m really not athletic at all, and I never lifted so much as a 3 pound dumbbell before a couple years ago. I […]


The Top 10 Reasons I love being a Wedding Photographer

When 2016 arrived a few weeks ago, I realized that in April of this year, my very FIRST wedding clients will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary! It’s crazy to me how much time has passed, but also how quickly it went by. When I photographed my first wedding, I desperately wanted nothing more than to […]


2016 Goals

2016. Feels so weird to say (and read!) it doesn’t it? This time of year always feels like there’s so much to be excited about! What opportunities will come our way? Where will we travel? What new couples will we be meeting? There are so many memories yet to be made. This is just the […]


2015 To Do List – Recap

This time of year I start to feel a lot more contemplative. I spend more time thinking about the year that’s almost passed, and what I might like to do differently in the year ahead. I think most people do this, right? One benefit of blogging my “to-do list” at the beginning of the year is […]


“Premiere” Party

When I first started thinking about hosting a party to show my promo film for the first time it was kind of a silly idea that I didn’t really plan on taking anywhere. But when I started working on the new branding too it started to seem like too good of an idea to pass up! I […]