Comfort Zones

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my comfort zone and how I probably would have stayed in it FOREVER if I’d never started my business. BB (before business) I was someone who didn’t really get out a ton, kept the same small circle of friends, and stayed pretty close to home at all times. […]


DIY Cork Coasters

Today’s DIY is so simple. Cork coasters. Seriously…this project might even be something a husband or boyfriend could do…it’s THAT easy. I actually made these cork coasters because I was using some tile coasters I had pinned and painted myself, but the problem was whenever I put a really sweaty drink on top of it, […]


Tiffany + Jeremy

Last Fall the lovely Sarah Der asked me to second shoot for her at Tiffany and Jeremy’s wedding at Pippin Hill Farm just outside of Charlottesville. It was so much fun and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with Sarah, who is adorable and loves cats just as much as I do! […]


For Photographers: Shooting Family Formals

I think a lot of people really dread shooting family formals…they can be very chaotic and overwhelming and just TIME CONSUMING. As stressful as family formals can be though, they’re an incredibly important part of the day…they’re a record of the family members who were there to support the bride and groom and in some […]


A Case of the Mondays #9

So, it’s March now, but if you walk outside, it feels colder than ever! What’s up with that?? Didn’t the groundhog say that spring was coming early? I’m ready for it! This past weekend was so much fun! I was actually in DC all weekend with my friend Anna. She had a wedding in Northern […]


Things I love – March

I’ve thought a lot about whether or not this series would continue this year. It’s not cheap for me to do giveaways every month, and it means another trip to the post office. I hate going to the post office. At the same time, I really like doing these posts. They’re fun! And, I mean, in one […]