Expect the Unexpected


August 27, 2012

Today’s post will be pretty short…I’m blogging from my phone…yay technology!

If you follow me on twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you may have already heard our apartment (yeah…the one we JUST moved into) was flooded Saturday morning. John and I (and Lucy the cat) are okay. We were very lucky the flood was not worse…most of our big furniture will be fine and we are hoping the car will be too! Cross your fingers for us! The carpets and a good amount of the drywall will need to be replaced but luckily since we rent this is no cost to us…just an inconvenience!

We are so so so lucky that our parents have helped us so much over the past couple of days. My dad and stepmom drove out to rescue me and take me to get a rental car so I could make it to my wedding Saturday and my mom and other dad helped rip out all my carpet, let us stay at their house, and are working on my car. I don’t know what we would do without them and we are just so thankful for their help.

If you are reading this and you’re one of my lovely clients…it will may be difficult for me to answer emails and get things out within the next few days. Among other little things, all of my packaging was ruined…I guess it’s good I’m rebranding anyway, right?? I am really sorry for any delays but please know I love you guys and I will do my best!

Blogging may also be light this week…sadness:( I will try to post here and there but it’s difficult without Internet:)

Here are some pictures of the flood from my iPhone followed by something positive…a back of camera image from the beautiful wedding in Spotsylvania on Saturday!







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  1. karen says:

    Oh Katie, I am soooo sorry! I just couldn’t believe it when I saw the pictures Saturday morning! Parents are some of the greatest blessings, no doubt! So glad they are there to help ya’ll out!

  2. ohmygosh i’m so glad everyone is ok!!

  3. Ali W says:

    🙁 so sad! BUT so thankful that all of the things are replaceable! what a stressful weekend – so sorry!!

  4. Ursha says:

    The important thing is that everyone is ok! And i hope things get back on track soon! I know what you are going through, we had something similar three years ago!

  5. Dani says:

    I’m so sorry you are going through this!! So glad you are ok, and the kitty too! Hang in there!

  6. katie yuen says:

    So sorry to hear about the flood! I hope things work out and you get back to normal soon!!!!!!!! Thinking of you and John & your kitty!

  7. Tina Tabibi says:

    Hang in there girlie!!!! Glad you, John and Lucy are safe.

  8. molly says:

    girl i am SO SORRY to hear about your crazy weekend. glad everyone is okay! did the water seep into the cars? that looks insane. was the flooding bad everywhere??

  9. I can’t believe all that WATER! I thought it was a little flood reading the start of the post because you were so upbeat but wow! that’s a lot of water.

    Your attitude is amazing and inspirational 🙂

  10. Ravyn says:

    Oh noooo!! When I saw your photos, I was sooo bummed for you guys. BUT, it sounds like you have some amazing people in your life!! Happy that it seems as though things are falling back into place. And YES, I’m glad your new brand materials weren’t ruined!! Though, I’d totally hook a sister up if they had been!! 🙂

  11. Jennifer says:

    wow, I am so glad you are okay! I hope everything gets back to normal soon!

  12. Stephen says:

    Oh precious. So sorry to see this happened. So glad you’re all ok!

  13. YIKES!!! Thats nuts, glad everything will be ok. : (

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